Sunday, August 20, 2017

"We are programmed to be social" -- A book recommended by Tai Lopez

Look at the second book "SOCIAL"
There is a reason why we need to be around other people when we learn new things.  Sometimes we need to talk about what we have just heard.

Listen to what Dr. Lieberman has to write about the importance of SOCIAL NETWORKS

What should I read next? A list of over 100 books selected by Tai Lopez

The key to reading a book a day or a book per week is to follow the steps recommended by Tai Lopez:

So here's one of the steps:  Find a book review.


Tai Lopez has reviews of books
You can find sumamries on Wikipedia of many books

Let's practice by looking at selections from books on AMAZON
"Look inside" has an  excerpt where you can get an idea.

Let's jump into a book called "Battlefireld of the Mind for kids" by Joyce Meyer

You can get other recommendations from Tai Lopez's book list