Thursday, October 12, 2017

“I want to tell you about a remarkable quote that I found in a book last week”

Practice saying this sentence:
“I want to tell you about a remarkable quote that I found in a book last week”

  1. How is it going with your plans to make a website that makes money?
  2. Can you read this excerpt from Simon Sinek's book and tell someone about Johnny Bravo?   
  3. Pickup the book Leaders Eat Last .....   I want you to make a video presentation.  You can talk for two minutes and explain why the book has gold nuggets.
Then we can post that video as a book review.  We can transcribe the video presentation and type the review to appear in this blog. I want SunEd students to get in the habit of talking about books.

Go ahead, practice this sentence:
“I want to tell you about a remarkable quote that I found in a book last week”

That will be the statement that grabs visitors...  “a teenager who reads?  What school does he go to?”

“I want my kid to go to that school.”

So, when you find a book that you want to review, we can add it to the 52 books blog that I have started.

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